5 Simple Eco-Friendly Changes to Make Around Your Home
20.03.2022 GREEN LIVING 0.0 0

eco-friendly home

Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

Green living has become increasingly important for many people, and making changes around the home can be easy. Many people have already switched to reusable items, and some even carry reusable bags and containers. There are many ways to make your home more eco-friendly, and most of them don't require much money or effort. Here are some suggestions to make your life greener.

1. Switch Your Fluorescent Tubes and Bulbs with LED Lights

Although fluorescent tubes were once considered a green option, they have been considered a health risk and consume far more energy. The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy found that these lights produce toxic air pollution and are not cost-effective.

The report recommends that all new bulbs be switched to LEDs to reduce mercury and greenhouse gas emissions. LED lighting is a more energy-efficient option than fluorescent bulbs. Most of these lights have a longer lifespan and produce very little heat during operation.

Fluorescent lights produce a lot of heat and need air conditioning to keep working. Furthermore, they are hazardous and need to be disposed of properly. These light bulbs contain mercury and are brittle. Changing to LED bulbs will save energy and be better for the environment.

2. Use Organic Pesticides on Your Plants

If you are an avid gardener, consider switching from synthetic-made pesticides to organic pesticides. These substances are formulated to kill insects without harming your plants. However, this should not stop you from using them on your plants or using them regularly.

Moreover, you should also check your plants periodically to see if any bugs are on them. Try a hydrogen peroxide solution if you're unsure which organic pesticides are suitable for your garden. This substance can repel insects that feed on sap, but it can also kill the eggs.

The 35 food-grade hydrogen peroxide is effective and safe for your garden and health. Adding a solution to your soil will eliminate many insects and diseases. Once applied to your plants, the pH levels will increase, and your garden will thrive.

3. Insist on Re-usable Bags

The world is still struggling to eliminate single-use bags even though many countries have passed the ban for almost two decades. Reusable bags are better for the environment than plastic bags, and they don't create waste and can be reused for a long time.

Reusable bags can be used for a wide range of purposes. They can be used for grocery shopping, storing leftovers, or transporting recyclables.

They also help you reduce the hassle of carrying home grocery bags and can be kept in the kitchen or pantry for easy access when you need to make a purchase. Reusable bags also reduce waste and are better for the environment. They can be stored in your pantry or a drawer in your kitchen.

4. Use Bio-degradable Cleaning Detergent and Bathing Soaps

Bio-degradable soaps and detergents are gaining popularity because they are much more environmentally friendly than traditional ones. They don't contain surfactants, phosphates, and other harmful ingredients.

Many bio-degradable soaps are 100% natural, meaning they will break down to H20 and CO2 within six months. They are also made of different oils and animal fats and contain few chemicals. This is excellent news for the environment and your health.

5. Invest in a Compost Bin

A compost bin for your home reduces your carbon footprint by up to 40 percent. There are many ways to make compost. You can turn your organic waste into valuable soil amendment by turning it into mulch.

Food scraps, yard waste, and compostable plastics are all perfect candidates. The bin should also contain water. Organic wastes, including fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and discarded coffee filters, are green materials, and other items, such as cardboard and paper, are brown.


Changing your lifestyle does not have to cost a fortune. You can start with a few simple changes that will reduce your carbon footprint, protect your home from toxins, and help you leave the Earth better than you found it. By making a few small changes, you can make a big difference in the long run. By following these simple guidelines, you can make a huge impact today, which will benefit you for years to come.


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TAGS:green living, eco-friendly home

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