5 Ways to Create Energy-Efficient Homes
15.11.2017 GREEN LIVING 0.0 0

Photo by Alberto Castillo Q. on Unsplash


We go on with our lives and daily tasks, but how much attention are we paying to the amount of energy we’re using to get through the day? It’s not until you start thinking about it that you notice patterns and habits that ruin your home’s energy efficiency.


Luckily, you can change this and make your home more energy-efficient just by making several simple changes in your household.


Energy-efficient appliances

When you go out to buy a washing machine, dishwasher, dryer, microwave or fridge, you should look for those labeled with an energy star label, as these use far less electricity and help you save money. Some dryers will even let you program them to finish drying clothes at the exact time you get home, so it doesn’t stay on longer than it needs to. The best thing is that all energy-efficient appliances work just as well as regular ones, and even last longer.


Save water

Saving water is another important part of keeping your home energy-efficient. Besides doing small things such as turning the tap off when you’re brushing your teeth, you can also try installing some systems to conserve water. Low-flow showerheads and toilets are incredibly convenient. These showerheads sometimes even have a pause button that can shut off the water while you lather up, while low-flow toilets use less water. You can also try installing a dual flush one, which lets you choose between a 1 and 1.6-gallon flush, depending on your need.


Change lighting

While incandescent lights may be common and convenient, by switching to LEDs and compact fluorescent lamps, you will be able to save a lot of money and energy, seeing as these use 50 to 75 percent less energy. There are also advanced lighting controls which can further help you save energy, since they reduce the amount of time you have your lights on but not using them. Not only do CFLs use less energy than incandescent bulbs, they last approximately ten times longer too. On the other hand, LEDs are even more effective, as they consume less energy and last even longer than CFLs. What’s more, LEDs contain no mercury (as opposed to CFLs), and have no moving parts, which means they are less likely to break.


Insulate doors and windows

Your home will lose heat unless properly insulated, and even if you’re sure your walls are well protected, you can lose about a third of your home's total heat through windows and doors. Luckily, you can reduce these losses if you insulate them. The cheapest and easiest way to insulate windows is to seal all cracks and edges with rope caulk, but you can also try double glazing them. Benefits of having retrofit double glazed windows in Melbourne also include reduced noise levels. What is more, you can weatherstrip both your doors and windows with a special lining and seal them effectively.


Switch to tankless water heater

By installing a demand-type water heater in your home, you will save a lot of money on electricity bills. There are tankless and instantaneous water heaters which provide hot water only when you need it, unlike traditional storage water heaters that produce a supply of hot water that needs to be kept hot. Energy losses associated with these heaters are great, but we are so used to them that we stopped paying attention altogether. However, demand-type heaters are amazing, as they won’t waste energy keeping the water hot when you have no use for it. These water heaters don’t require a storage tank; instead, water flows through pipes and gas or electric elements heat it for you.


A lot of people aren’t even aware how easy it is to preserve energy, save money, and be more environmentally friendly. Often it takes only a simple change or a small investment to drastically reduce your electricity, heating, and cooling costs. With these tips, you will still be able to live your life comfortably, while saving money and reducing your impact on environment at the same time.

Guest post by Carolin Petterson



About the Author

Carolin Petterson is a Business Lady and contributor for a number of high-class websites. She loves to share her experiences and talk about practical solutions, but her specialties are sustainability, sustainable business and green living.



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TAGS:energy efficiency, environmentally-friendly solutions, energy efficient homes, save energy

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