6 Pillars of Green Home Renovation
19.07.2018 GREEN LIVING 2.3 0


We are living in the golden era of eco-friendly home construction and renovation. People have finally understood the damage we are causing to our planet and they are trying to make a difference with sustainable practices. If you are planning on remodeling your home anytime soon, you should think about the consequences of the works as well as the future of your house when it comes to energy-efficiency. Here are the pillars of green home renovation you should always keep in mind.


Minimize the waste

A home remodeling accumulates huge amounts of leftovers, pre-loved things, and waste; and we all know that piled up waste is one of the biggest problems of the modern world. Start with the things you are getting rid of (e.g. old furniture). Instead of taking them to the landfill, donate them to someone in need. There are even some organizations that will pick up the furniture from you, repurpose it and give it away. As for the waste that comes with remodeling and the leftover materials, you can ask your contractors if they can use it for other projects.



Purchase pre-owned

Just as you have leftover materials and furniture that don’t work for you anymore, other people also have them, and you may like what they have to offer. Take a tour of the local salvage shops to find quality cabinetry, fixtures, and furniture. You can even buy used appliances, but only as long as they are only a couple of years old and Energy Star-rated.


Opt for sustainable materials

If you are changing some of the features of your home, such as the counter or the flooring, make sure you choose sustainable materials. Some of the great options include cork, bamboo, reclaimed wood, recycled plastic, concrete, and glass tiles. Going sustainable also means going local, because locally manufactured materials require less fuel for transport.



Aim for a toxin-free home

Did you know that many of the older paints and some of the new ones too contain volatile organic compounds that are emitted into the air and harm your health? No? Okay, did you know, then, that formaldehyde which is used for glue and finishes and is often found in furniture and flooring can also be released into the air you are breathing? Make sure you pay attention to the materials and products you are buying and aim for as natural as possible.


Future energy-efficiency

Energy-efficiency is one of the most important pillars of a green renovation, as it saves you from overspending on utility bills. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Opt for a heat pump or solar hot water plumbing since they use less energy and they are simple to repair if there’s any malfunction in the future.
  • Install LED lighting throughout the house.
  • Insulate your home properly and don’t forget to include the attic.
  • Rely on solar energy wherever you can.
  • Go for low-E window coatings.
  • Get Energy Star-rated appliances.



Water preservation

Water is a precious resource and a home renovation is a great opportunity to minimize your household’s water consumption. Some of the things you can do to ensure this are installing low-flow showerheads and low-flush toilets, getting a hot water recirculation pump (this enables hot water to flow throughout the house) and making a rainwater collection system for irrigation and other necessities.


These eco-conscious ideas will not only help you make your home renovation harmless to the environment but also create a healthier and more cost-efficient home for you.

Guest post by Carolin Petterson



About the Author

Carolin Petterson is a Business Lady and contributor for number of high-class websites. She loves to share her experiences and talk about practical solutions, but her specialties are sustainability, sustainable business and green living.



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TAGS:green living, Eco-friendly, green home

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