6 Tips for Beating Sleep Problem
14.11.2019 WELLNESS 0.0 0

beat sleep problem



A good night's sleep increases personal productivity during the day, as it is refreshing and highly rejuvenating. It maintains your physical and mental health. Also, it provides hormonal balance, ensuring you retain your emotional sanity. However, sleep deprivation does the opposite. Not only does it lead to different medical conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, and depression, but it also has a negative impact on your overall health.


Therefore, knowing what to do when you cannot sleep during the night is crucial to your health. Here are some tips to help you face any sleeping problem and ensure you have a good night's sleep.


Employ a Natural Sleep Cycle

Employ a routine indicating when you wake up or go to bed. By strictly keeping up with this time, you will develop a cycle. The cycle trains your body and mind to accept the conditions of sleep. Besides, rest has its stages, and their completion is necessary if you are to beat your sleep problems. Are you wondering how to achieve the proper sleeping cycle?


To prevent turning and tossing throughout the night, select a time to sleep and a time to wake and stick to it – for example, 10 pm for going to bed and 6 am for waking up. The time you set conditions your mind for falling asleep when it’s 10 pm. In a few minutes to or past six, you are already awake. Therefore, it becomes effortless to wake up or sleep. However, if the timeline for the cycle does not work out for you, it is time to change it - you can sleep earlier and wake at the same time as before.


Do not sleep past your wake up time even if you’re not going to work or school. Many people tend to sleep in during the weekends. However, if fighting sleeping problems, do not sleep past wake time or after sleeping time. Find activities to fill in that period when you wake up. You can exercise, clean the house, do some laundry, or read.


Avoid napping during the day. If it is essential that you sleep, then sleep for only 20 minutes. Finally, do not sleep before your chosen time. If feeling drowsy, find a stimulating activity to engage in until bedtime.


Introduce a Workout Routine

Having a routine workout schedule can help reduce your sleep problems. People who engage in exercise fall asleep quickly and are highly active during the day. Besides, training has a considerable connection to the improvements in individuals facing sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea.


Exercise routines should range from light exercise to vigorous and cardio. Do not overstretch your activities. Workout for a limited period and gradually increase the time you put into your exercise routines. Be patient and focus on building an exercise routine. As a result, you will witness improvements in your sleeping habits.


Remember, a better exercise routine takes into consideration what and when you eat. Eat the right food to get enough nutrients. Determine the right time to work out like afternoons and early mornings for better night sleep. Do not work out in the evening, because you will be too stimulated to fall asleep.


Get Rid of Caffeine

What you eat and drink is not always about weight loss. It determines the amount of time you sleep. Some foods may harm the quality of your sleep while others help you acquire a good night's sleep.


Foods that harm your sleep include caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that promotes being alert, hindering sleep. Alcohol and smoking profoundly affect sleep and prevent relaxation. Besides, having too many liquids increases the number of times you visit the bathroom during the night. Avoid spicy foods as they increase acid reflux, especially during the night.


Therefore, eat moderately. Have a glass of milk and add foods that promote sleep induction to your dinner.


beat sleep problems



Try Relaxation Techniques

Sometimes falling asleep is easy. However, when you wake up in the middle of the night, falling back asleep can be hard. That is one of the sleep problems people face today. To get some sleep, try different relaxation techniques.


Deep breathing exercises calm your brain activities. They lower your heart rate, relieve stress, and induce sleep within a short time. If it does not work, try meditation, and focus on your body. Use relaxation CDs, but remember to activate your devices’ switch-off time to avoid the narration waking you at night.


Make Sure Your Bedroom is Suitable for Sleeping

For many people, what keeps them awake is the environment in their bedrooms. The bedroom ambiance should have the ability to make you fall asleep. Eliminate any sleep stressors you may have in your room.


To help you do so, here are some tips on improving your bedroom environment to make it easier to fall and remain asleep till morning:

  • Limit the amount of noise penetrating the room.
  • Reduce the lighting for a dark background.
  • Ensure the room is neither too cold nor too warm. Right temperatures help you fall asleep more comfortably.
  • Condition your mind to associate the bedroom with sleep.


Control Light Exposure

Ever wonder how you know it is already morning even without an alarm? The answer is simple. The light streaming through your bedroom window activates your brain cells, waking you up. Light reduces melatonin production in the brain, meaning that it is time to wake up and not sleep.


Melatonin is the compound or hormone responsible for inducing sleep. Therefore, controlling the lighting in your room may help you fall asleep. Besides, with a little amount of light exposure during the day, you remain asleep throughout the night.


Therefore, avoid watching TV late into the night. Keep lighting minimal in the bedroom and avoid screens with bright lights.



Falling asleep is easy only if you follow these sleep tips. Besides, they are practical and will have you go through all the sleep stages before morning. You can also blend in these routines with Zopiclone to achieve deep sleep. Ensure that you are consistent in your routines, and your sleep quality will improve tremendously.

Written by Rebecca Siggers



About the Author

Rebecca Siggers has been closely studying the travel industry trends from quite some time. Intrigued by the booming growth of this sector, she takes interest in penning down her views providing quality insight on current travel trends and also likes to write about food and beverages, particularly wine.



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TAGS:wellness, Sleep, Health

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