7 Common Misconceptions about Solar Energy

solar power


Whenever a new technology becomes popular, there are skeptics that spread false information and myths about it. Solar energy is no different, seeing as how there are many misconceptions among people which prevent them from making the most of this energy source. We are here to debunk those myths and provide you with correct information concerning solar energy. Take a look.


Solar panels will not pay off

There is a myth that solar panels will not pay for themselves in the next 25 years. Seeing as how this is a big investment for most people, it’s normal to worry about the ROI. However, depending on your initial costs and the size of your project, the panels could provide you with a return on investment immediately. Moreover, if you look into government incentives, four to six years could be enough for you to see your investment return completely. Furthermore, if you ever decide to sell your home, having solar panels installed could increase your home’s value.


solar panels


Solar panels only work in warm climates

People believe that solar panels will not work properly if used in a colder climate. It’s important to note that these panels use the sun’s energy and not its temperature. Moreover, cold weather increases conductivity, which results in generating more electricity. So, if your area has plenty of sunshine, this is a great way to stay warm during the colder seasons.


Solar panels are affected by clouds and snow

While these conditions can reduce the amount of energy the panels produce, that does not mean they will not work efficiently. If you live in a snowy climate, the panels should be installed at an angle, so that the snow will not accumulate. Additionally, solar panels collect visible light which means that your home will not lose power suddenly. Take Germany as a great example – they have plenty of cloudy days and they’re still leaders in this field.


solar power


Solar panels might damage your home

People are often afraid to install solar panels because they think this process might damage their roof. However, the way these panels are made and installed has evolved over the years, which is something that experts from KDEC Electrical & Solar are quite familiar with. All of that means that opting for solar systems will not damage your roof, but protect it instead. Moreover, if you turn to professionals, there is nothing to worry about as they have plenty of experience when it comes to installing solar panels.


Solar panels require a lot of maintenance

Another common misconception about solar panels is that they are maintenance-heavy. In reality, they require very little maintenance. Most of them outlive the 25-year warranty they usually come with. There are no moving parts and they are designed to be durable. Inspecting and hosing them off once a year should be enough to keep them running smoothly. In case there is any debris, you should remove it in order to protect the panels.


solar panels


Solar panels will make your home unsightly

The truth is that tastes differ. What one might find unattractive, others might not even notice. In any case, solar panels are now being made with aesthetics in mind. They can be sleek and blend in with the roof. In addition, they can even be mounted on the ground if you have enough space in your yard.


Solar panels keep excess energy in batteries

Most homes that are powered by solar energy don’t use batteries. All excess energy is added to the electrical grid. The grid stores extra energy which can be used at night or during darker months. On the other hand, batteries can be added but it will increase the price of the whole endeavor. This means that you will not lose power in case the grid goes down.


These were just some of the misconceptions about solar power systems. If you are thinking about investing in solar panels, don’t let yourself be fooled by all these myths. Get informed and do what you think is best for you.

Guest post by Hannah Thomas


Best Sellers in Solar Panels


About the Author

Hannah Thomas is a gardening and home décor enthusiast. Garden is the place where she feels most comfortable, that’s why there are always a lot of books and empty coffee cups on the back porch. Always learning, exploring and smiling.



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TAGS:sustainability, renewables, solar energy

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