7 Ways a Clean House Can Affect Your Family's Health
10.06.2019 WELLNESS 0.0 0

clean home - family health


Keeping a clean house doesn’t only make your home attractive to live in. It’s also beneficial to the overall well-being of your family.


A clean home will help improve the physical health of your family members. At the same time, it can also sharpen and better their mental health.


If you want to know more about how a clean house can improve your family’s health, then read on below to find out more.


lower stress levels

Lowers Stress Levels

Although a lot of people may not believe it, the state of your home has a big effect on your stress levels. If you know that there is a mess waiting for you at home, it can make you feel more tired coming home than when you come back to a clean home.


If you don’t manage your stress levels, there will be other negative effects that you’ll experience. Your skin will get worse resulting in acne, you’ll have poor sleep, and you could even see either an increase or a decrease in your appetite.


On that note, having a clean home could help you manage your stress levels more than you’d know. Studies have even shown that people who keep their houses clean on a regular basis are happier individuals. So get into the habit of keeping a clean home.


clean home

Provides a Good Sleep

As mentioned before, the status of your home can affect your stress levels. Plus, how stressed you are can negatively affect how well you sleep every night. If you keep a clean home, then you can significantly reduce your stress levels.


With that said, if you have a clean home, chances are that it will also provide you with better sleep quality. If you start washing your sheets and bedding on a regular basis, your bed will be more comfortable to sleep in.


Plus, if you tidy up your bed when you wake up, you will have a much more pleasant time coming home and sleeping in it again than if you just leave it a mess.


clean home

Lessens Allergy and Asthma Triggers

If you have allergies or are asthmatic, then you know how cleaning your home can trigger all kinds of reactions in your bodies. With that said, not cleaning your home will be even worse for your allergies if left unkempt.


Having a clean home ensures that you won’t gather up dust or other materials that can worsen your allergies and give you an all-around bad time. Plus, if you have a clean home, then you won’t have to clean as much.


Thus, you don’t have to suffer from dust particles as often as you would with a poorly maintained home.


clean home

Promotes Mental Health Wellness

Aside from the physical effects that a clean home gives you, there are also other mental effects that go with it. Keeping a clean home has plenty of mental health benefits to you and your family that you may not be aware of.


Many studies have shown that living in a cluttered home makes people much more stressed and anxious. On the other hand, if one does any physical activity, including cleaning the home, one lessens their level of stress and anxiety.


Thus, if you find yourself bogged down by life even more than usual, then try to do a little bit of picking up and cleaning. You don’t even have to clean your home. You need only to declutter a bit of your space and your stress levels will reduce and your mental health can improve.


clean home

Boosts Your Productivity

Aside from giving a person stress and anxiety, a cluttered home can also affect how productive your family is.


Since there is so much clutter to pick up, it can be difficult to focus on something else when there is a particular thing that is bothering you sitting right in front of you at the moment.


With that said, having a clean home is a great solution that can boost overall productivity in the household. First, it helps you focus more because you aren’t distracted by the leaning tower of pizza boxes that you should’ve thrown days ago.


Secondly, you will also be spending less time trying to pick up after yourself right after you’ve made a huge mess that will take you days to clean. Instead, you can spend your time doing things that matter the most.


clean home

Encourages Physical Fitness

Doing a small amount of physical exercise in a day can help you become a happier and healthier individual. Your daily physical exercise doesn’t even have to be exercise per se. It could be something as simple as cleaning your home.


Instead of spending money paying for a gym membership, if your budget is tight and you have a less than tidy home, then why not spend your exercise time and money on making a clean home for you and your family to live in.


clean home

Reduces the Possibility of Getting Sick

Germs and other bacteria inhabit dirty places. It’s a simple formula that we all know and that’s why we’re asked to wash our hands thoroughly so often. If you don’t keep up this regimen, then you can get sick.


If you and your family are sharing your home to tons of germs and bacteria, you may want to hire some professional new york maids to help clean your home. Otherwise, you will often get sick.


Whether or not you like to clean your home by yourself or you prefer hiring professional cleaners, as long as you do keep your home clean, then your family’s health is sure to stay in tip-top shape.

Guest post by Jacky Xu



About the Author

Jacky Xu is the Chief Operating Officer for MaidSailors.com, the # 1 deep cleaning services in NYC. Maid Sailors take pride in providing unparalleled cleaning services at affordable prices. Maid Sailors help transform your house into a home.



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TAGS:wellness, Health

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