How to Grow Your Own Vegetables Without a Garden
11.02.2021 FOOD & GARDENING 0.0 0


While we would all love to have a garden filled with flowers, fruit, and vegetables, it’s not always possible. Those who live in apartments, for example, may have limited outside space or none at all. 

So how can you grow your own food without a garden? 

Container gardening is a great, sustainable way to grow your own food within a limited space. Whether you make an area on the balcony, use a windowsill planter, or even just a pot on the doorstep, just about anyone can have their own little vegetable patch. 

It’s also beneficial to grow food within a container setting as this prevents your plants suffering from harsh climate conditions, poor soil quality, and disease. 

Container gardening: What can I grow? 

There are so many different types of plant that can be grown in a container – and some are particularly suited to this setting. Below is a list of the best vegetables for growing in a container: 

  • Parsley
  • Radish
  • Squash
  • Lettuce
  • Beans
  • Onions
  • Eggplant
  • Peppers

When choosing vegetables to grow, you will need to take into consideration the amount of sunlight available. Some vegetables – like tomatoes, green beans, and chillis – require at least 5-6 hours of sunlight a day to grow, while beetroot, turnips, and cabbage can handle being in the shade. 

At, you can browse seed packs that are specifically container and pot-friendly. 

How big does my container need to be? 

Anything can be turned into a container for gardening, but different plants will need different depths in which to grow. Wooden boxes or bushel baskets from garden centers work just as well as broken kitchen pots, plastic tubs, and gallon cans.  

In terms of depth, herbs and smaller plants only require around 10 inches, so can easily be grown on the windowsill or in the kitchen. Meanwhile, deep-rooted plants like tomatoes and eggplant will need a much larger, 6-gallon container, so will need to be placed on the patio or balcony. 

How to set up a growing container

The most important thing you’ll need in your growing container is proper drainage. If your container doesn’t already have holes in the bottom or side, you can make small holes with a drill to create a drainage system for your plants. 

You also need to use a contaminant-free soil rather than a standard topsoil. 

In terms of watering and fertilizer, container plants require regular watering as well as additional nutrients that they would typically get from the ground. Each plant will have its own growing cycle, and fertilizers can be used during the process. 

While artificial options can be used, it’s recommended that natural options such as peat and manure are used when they can be. 

This guide should hopefully bring some positivity to those green thumbs without a garden. Container gardening still requires a good maintenance regime and regular watering, but there’s freedom to grow your own food in any open space you have. Get creative and see what you can grow!


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TAGS:Food, green living, gardening

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