How To Have A More Sustainable Bathroom
22.03.2021 GREEN LIVING 0.0 0

sustainable bathroom


Choosing to make your bathroom more sustainable is a rewardable process. There are so many different changes that you can make in your bathroom that will greatly reduce the impact you have on the environment, and you will barely notice the difference. 

Use Natural Materials For Your Fixtures

When you are looking for more sustainable options for your bathroom, look into getting fixtures that are made from natural and organic materials. Natural materials have no harmful chemicals and chemicals that cause pollution. Therefore, they can easily be recycled later on. Look into getting glass, wood or stone countertops rather than getting acrylic or similar materials. They are not only better for the environment, but they look much better and luxurious.

Get LED Bulbs

One of the easiest ways to make your bathroom more sustainable is simply by getting LED bulbs. It will save the planet while reducing your electricity bill. That is because LED bulbs have an 80-90% efficiency. That means that up to 90 percent of their energy is turned into light rather than turning it to heat. They produce a wide variety of them, and you will still be able to create the perfect lighting in your bathroom while being sustainable. 

Fix Any Leaky Taps or Showers

Even if there is a slight dip in your bathroom, you should fix it right away. It is something that you should put off sorting out. Even though a small drip here and there doesn't seem like a big issue, it will quickly add up if left unresolved. Make sure that you regularly check for any leaks around the house, especially in your bathroom. Also, be careful about the plumbing since it may cause the leaking. 

Get A Low-Flow Toilet

What a lot of people don't know is that approximately 27 percent of the water that is consumed in your home comes from you flushing your toilet. That is why one of the best ways to make your bathroom more sustainable is replacing your toilet with a low-flow model as well as looking into installing bidets. That way you will reduce the amount of water that is used and save up to 5,000 litres of water. Always look for toilets that are labelled as high-efficiency as they will not only save water, but they will also save you some money in the long run. 

Turn The Tap Off When Brushing Your Teeth

Some people have a bad habit of leaving the tap on while they are brushing their teeth. That means that you are wasting water for 2 to 3 minutes for no reason at all. The best and least expensive way you can make your bathroom sustainable is simply turning off the tap when you are brushing your teeth. 

Use Green Products

In addition to using natural beauty products like soaps and shampoos, think about using green cleaning products. Just like any beauty product that you are choosing while being sustainable you can do the same with cleaning products. Another thing that you can do is make your cleaning products with vinegar, lemon juice and water. 

Dry Your Towels Naturally

After you have taken your shower, don't toss your wet towels in the dryer. Let them naturally dry by leaving them in a well-aired place. It will take some time, but you are not spending electricity and leaving any carbon footprints. 

There are so many different and inexpensive ways you can make your bathroom more sustainable. All you need to do is make a bit of an effort, and you will be making a big difference. Keep in mind that these changes will not only save the environment but will also save you money in the long run. 

Written by Alison Pearson



About the Author

Alison Pearson is an interior design student. She is a content creator, but her ultimate passion is design and creation. She is also a bibliophile and her favourite book is "The Sound and the Fury" by William Faulkner. Follow her on Twitter.


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TAGS:sustainable bathroom, Environment, green living

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