How to Make Our Planet a Better Place with Less Driving Emissions
21.03.2022 GREEN LIVING 0.0 0

reduce your driving emissions

Photo by Alex Mares on Unsplash

Use More Eco-Friendly Fuel

A lot of us don’t pay too much attention to the premium fuel option at the gas station, so our knowledge of it remains limited. But, what does premium fuel actually offer? For example, 95-octane petrol (or premium unleaded petrol) is designed to leave lower carbon emissions while also being better for the fuel economy. Among other benefits, it also makes the engine more powerful and run smoother. 

Periodically changing the engine oil would also prove beneficial for your car’s lifespan. The engine oil keeps the engine running smoothly at a balanced temperature while maintaining its efficiency. When the car is being efficient, it means it is leaving less carbon footprint

However, this will all be impacted by the age and model of the car. You should try a couple of drives with premium fuel to truly notice the difference. 

Unclog Your Air Filters

The airflow in the engine determines how much strain is put on the engine during driving. With clogged air filters, the engine will be more prone to getting worn down and torn while also hindering its performance. How often you need to unclog them depends on the environment where the car is kept. If it’s kept in a dustier environment, the air filters will be getting clogged more frequently.

Rely Less on the Air Conditioning

Summers tend to get quite chaotic and being inside of a vehicle makes it even worse. So, obviously, we tend to overuse air conditioning in the car for this exact reason. However, relying on the air conditioning system is detrimental to the environment. This doesn’t mean that you should give up air conditioning altogether (it would be a cruel punishment). Instead, try to minimize the duration that the air conditioner is working. You can turn it on for 5 minutes, shut it down for 2 minutes, then turn it on again for longer rides. Because the cold air keeps circulating even after the system has been shut down, you can shut down the air conditioner even several minutes before reaching your destination. You can contribute to the environment in small steps, nothing radical is needed to do your part.

Opt for a More Eco-Friendly Car

This is one of the harder ones to do for obvious reasons. Changing your car can significantly impact how much carbon emissions you leave during your drive. Most modern car systems have been made more efficient to deal with these emissions so they will be more eco-friendly. However, if you have the luxury of choice, you should opt for a car that is known for being eco-friendly the most. Opting for an electric car model would undoubtedly help the environment the most by resulting in fewer emissions being made, although they will still have negative effects on the environment. 

While it’s unreasonable to swap to a new car completely, what you can do is replace some of the older parts for newer and more eco-friendly car parts. For example, Suzuki parts and services are known for their quality services and parts that contribute to lower car emissions. 

Reducing Oil Pollution

Proper upkeep of your car doesn’t only increase its life span, it also helps the environment. Any leaks that your car has means that fuel will get out of it and spill everywhere you go. Aside from that, it also contributes to the amount of overall fuel that will be harvested, used, and sold as a result of less efficiency. A poorly maintained car will also be less efficient in its fuel use which will only contribute to larger amounts of carbon emissions being made.

Another way of contributing is by using car washing facilities instead of washing them yourself. This is because the water at the facilities is treated before going down the drain, resulting in the reduction of potential pollutants.

The Coefficient of Friction

Britannica defines the coefficient of friction as the “ratio of the frictional force resisting the motion of two surfaces in contact to the normal force pressing the two surfaces together.” You can be more efficient and eco-friendly by reducing the amount of force that is needed to move the weight (the car and its contents). This helps you conserve fuel, thus releasing less carbon emissions. This can be achieved by swapping out mineral oils for synthetic oils. The reason why mineral oils are worse is that their molecular structure is unstable and their sizes are unstable, which results in it being harder to move the transported weight. Synthetic oil, on the other hand, is a man-made compound and a lot more predictable and stable, which results in it also being an optimal oil for more efficient transportation. 

Written by Frank Robertson


About the Author

My name is Frank Robertson. I’m a writer. I choose my topics carefully and try to write about topics that can help my readers. Connect with me on Twitter


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TAGS:eco-friendly car, driving emissions

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