How to Promote Your E-Commerce Side Hustle When You Have Limited Time
08.12.2018 BUSINESS 0.0 0

e-commerce side hustle


E-commerce is one of the best side hustles when you are working on your career or running a full-time business. Some of the key benefits of an e-commerce store are that it has low start-up costs and you get customers from different locations. However, to be successful, you have to market your business effectively. This article highlights some of the key ways you can promote your e-commerce business.


Start a Blog

Publishing blog posts can help in gaining the attention of your audience and increasing sales for your e-commerce store. Most e-commerce sites have built-in blogging features for sellers. You can either use that or create your own blog outside the selling platform. Use your blog to talk about your products and topics related to your products. In addition to boosting sales, a blog can help in setting you apart as an expert. When you offer consumers meaningful and helpful information, they will look up to you and respect your business. This will help in creating a strong brand. You don’t have to post so many blog posts to be noticed. Consider getting started with one post per week or month depending on your availability. For search engine ranking purposes, choose good keywords and topics.


Share on Social Media

Sharing posts on social media is another great way to promote your business. It is an ideal promotion strategy for those with limited time since crafting social media posts takes only a few minutes. Thus, you will only need a few minutes to craft posts and a few more to interact with your followers. Once you post, take time to respond to questions and concerns that arise in the comment section. Don’t ignore the compliments too.


Run Social Media Contests

Running social media contests will draw the attention of prospects and keep your customers engaged. Plan your contest in advance, communicate with your audience and choose a good prize. If your prize is not appealing, no one will take part in the contest.


Consider Email Marketing

Sending new product alerts, thank you messages, follow up messages and blog posts alerts through email is another great way to promote your business when you have limited time. To grow your mailing lists, make use of online tools to collect email addresses from everyone who visits your blogs. Online tools can also be used to automate email marketing. Automation reduces the amount of time you spend analyzing data and creating and implementing campaigns. By comparing email marketing services, you will find one that works best for your e-commerce business.


Consider Paid Advertising

Google and Facebook Ads are a great place to get started. You can use Ads to get new customers, retarget customers who left without buying and show more products to those who already bought something. Before using ads, familiarize yourself with good targeting techniques, ad formats, and types of ads.


Promotions will drive traffic to your e-commerce platforms, but its quality products, comprehensive descriptions, and a seamless buying process that will entice them to convert. An article on Shopify highlights security concerns, complicated checkout process, unexpected delivery costs, and making it mandatory to create an account as four reasons for cart abandonment. Thus ensure your store is in order otherwise your promotion efforts will be in vain.



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TAGS:side hustle, E-commerce

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