Plant Parenting 101: 5 Things Your Plant Babies Need
29.10.2021 GREEN LIVING 0.0 0

plant parenting


You’ve just brought a new plant into your home, and you’re excited about the purchase. You take the new baby plant to the house. Then, begin to look for the necessities to keep her alive and thriving. But, how will you know what your plant babies need?

Plants have feelings too. They have a basic need to thrive. That sounds a lot like your kid’s basic need for food, water, and shelter. In this article, we’ll explain what plant babies need to grow. This way, you’ll know how to take care of your plants so that you can become a good plant parent!

A Comfortable Environment

Plant babies need favorable conditions. No hot or cold drafts from a heater or air conditioner, and no excessive watering. Plants need light. But, they need it in moderate amounts. It should be bright enough for good development.

The same conditions work for plants grown in pots or hanging baskets. Plant babies enjoy the company of other growing plants. Surround your plant babies with as much soil as possible, and a layer of mulch on top.

Plant babies are like humans and like being cared for. If they break, plant babies often die. Sometimes, when soil becomes compacted, and roots break. A good rule of thumb is to have a small hole in each one.

Lots of Nutrients

Plant babies need three nutrients. They include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).


It makes plants grow. When you start growing plant babies, give them lots of nitrogen. It makes them grow fast. But once the plants get big, they need less nitrogen. It’s because big plants don't use up all the nitrogen in the soil.

Phosphorus and potassium

They make plants grow bigger and faster. Most of the phosphorus and potassium in soil is locked up in rocks or dissolved in groundwater. So, a small amount of it makes it down to the roots of the plant babies. But, if you give them a fertilizer made from phosphate rock or rock dust, you’ll help the plants get phosphorus.

Additionally, your plant babies need a lot of oxygen. A good source of oxygen for your plant babies is 35 food grade hydrogen peroxide. It helps your plant grow fast and enhances its health.

Give Them Space

Your plant babies need space. If you plant them in small containers, they can't spread out as much. Plants in pots can get root-bound. It means that their root systems get tangled up, and this limits their growth.

In pots, plant babies also grow up against the wall, and this makes them less productive. Sometimes plants get crowded on your deck or balcony, and they need more room.

Plants don't need a lot of space. They only need room to spread out and grow well. That means you need to allow enough space for leaves to grow vertically and branches to fall.

Favorable Temperature

As your plants grow, they need warmer and cooler temperatures. Warm conditions during the day are excellent for photosynthesis. Cool temperatures at night are perfect for respiration and tissue repair.

If you want your plant babies to grow fast, provide the correct temperature. Plants grow fastest in temperatures between 65 and 80 Degrees Fahrenheit.

The Right Soil Type

Your plant babies need the right soil type. So, it's crucial to know what soil type you have in your garden. Different soil types have different pH or levels of acidity. If your soil is too acidic, your plants may grow slowly and have trouble growing new roots.

If the soil is too alkaline, your plants may grow slowly or not at all. Test the soil with a test kit to figure out the best soil type for your plant babies. The kit should tell you the pH of your soil.

Do Your Plant Babies Have The Right Growing Conditions?

Becoming a good plant parent isn’t an easy task. You must be patient and willing to learn how your new plant babies grow. Like all living things, plant babies need five essential elements.

They are light, air, water, nutrients, and soil. If you provide these five things at the right time, they will help your new plant babies grow into healthy adult plants.


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TAGS:green living, plant parenting

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