Viable Earth-Friendly Alternatives to Bottled Water
13.04.2018 GREEN LIVING 0.0 0

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash


In the times when having access to pure, healthy drinking water has become an issue in many parts of the world, installing a water filtration system in your home can significantly contribute to the quality of your life. In the past, people didn’t give much thought to the quality standard of tap water, as it was taken for granted that it’s clean and potable. However, those days are gone and now most of us can’t be 100% sure of it, as in many regions both the land and water supply are contaminated.


Consequently, the risk of consuming harmful chemicals through water increases and many people go for the option of bottled water. It might seem as a perfect replacement, but it also has its downsides, such as the questionable quality of many brands and proper disposal of plastic bottles.



On the other hand, there’s the option of installing a water filtration system. However, not every system is suitable for everyone, as different homes have different needs and priorities. If you decide to go for a water filtration system, here are some things to bear in mind before you install it.


The root of the problem

The decline in water quality has unfortunately been our grim reality in the past few decades, and it’s equally present in both developed and developing countries. Bottled water can only partially solve the problem of access to clean water, but it also brings in some new concerns: it’s often quite expensive and not very earth-friendly.


The production process of plastic containers involves very hazardous materials that are damaging to our health and environment. A more viable solution is going green and finding a safe, eco-friendly alternative to bottled water, and that seems to be water treatment systems. These offer different methods of water purification that can guarantee you will intake healthy water. It’s up to you to decide which type suits best your needs.



Filtration types

Filtration systems are divided into point-of-entry (POE) and point-of-use (POU) systems. POE is used for the entire house and purifies water before it enters the house, while POU focuses on individual spots of consumption in your house. This actually refers to every faucet you have, regardless of its location. POE systems are an excellent solution for eliminating mineral build-up and unpleasant odours. The experts’ recommendation is to combine it with additional filters (such as showerhead filters to remove chlorine for people with sensitive skin) to achieve the best results.


As for POU systems, pitchers are the cheapest and quickest solution, while the under-sink filtration system is pricier but also more effective. It uses additional pressure to push water through a reverse osmosis filters. The water passes through positively charged and highly absorbent membranes which entrap the impurities and eliminate heavy contaminants (lead, mercury, copper), parasites, chlorine and pesticides.


By installing one of the contemporary undersink water filters, you’ll notice the difference immediately as the water will taste better, and despite its higher initial cost, it will be worth it in the long run, knowing that you have secured thoroughly purified water for your family. This device is also good for those looking to save some space in their kitchen, as well as maintain an aesthetically pleasing look.



Safety concerns and maintenance

One of your most important considerations should be to make sure the system you choose meets NSF standards. You can refer to the detailed chart provided by NSF International. They also conduct tests and issue certificates for different water systems, so you’ll be able to find the information about which filter fits you best.


Finally, for any system to function properly, be it old or new, the key lies in proper maintenance. Check regularly for any possible regulation updates and changes, keep things clean and change filters periodically.



When deciding on the best water filtration system for your home, it all comes down to keeping things simple and playing it safe. Make sure you get informed about your water quality and available filtration systems and then opt for a certified system to ensure high quality water for your family.

Guest post by Lillian Connors




About the Author

Lillian Connors can’t resist the urge to embark on a myriad of green living/home improvement projects and spread the word about them. She cherishes the notion that sustainable housing and gardening will not only make us far less dependent on others regarding the dwellings we inhabit, but also contribute to our planet being a better place to live on. You can check her out on Twitter and LinkedIn.



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TAGS:drinking water, green living, Water, Health, water filters

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