Ways to Build the Off-Grid Lifestyle While Living in a City
01.10.2018 GREEN LIVING 0.0 0

Living off-grid in the city


Stand out stats:

  • Living off-grid saves 90% of energy and water usage compared to normal homes
  • 75,000 people are now living off-grid in the UK
  • Using off-grid lifestyle tips could save you over 50% on household utility bills
  • Going off-grid could save up to £990.80 a year in utilities alone


What Is Living Off-Grid?

Living off-grid is about becoming completely self-sufficient and removing yourself from many of the constraints of a modern lifestyle. This can also save you money in both the short and long term.


Disconnecting from the electricity grid, water supply and gas mains, means finding a different way to supply yourself with the power and utilities you need. The ways in which you can do this are often more financially economical and eco-friendly.


The Benefits Of An Off-Grid Lifestyle

More people are choosing this lifestyle than ever before. In the UK alone, it is thought that 75,000 people are now living off the grid. While becoming completely self-sufficient isn’t an option for many people, the dream of a less stressful life is alluring.


Stepping away from today's consumer-driven society and consumption economy which drives so many of our decisions is tempting. The number of people trying to incorporate some of the benefits of living off-grid into their modern lifestyle is on the rise.


Reducing your impact on the environment can also save you money. There are now recycling and reducing wastage schemes that can help cut costs dramatically.


You Could Halve Your Utility Costs Every Year


Simple Ways To Start Living Like You’re Off-Grid

Let’s take some of the most common utility bills for the UK - electric, gas, broadband and water. You may not be able to dig your own well or create WiFi where there’s none, but there are some fairly simple adjustments that can have a massive effect on both your energy consumption and your bills.


Electricity -> Solar Panels

Yearly saving: £294

One of the most popular methods for a household to create its own electricity is by using solar panels. With government grants and incentives, the one-off installation fee can be minimal. And you’ll be saving on your regular monthly bills too.


Gas -> Wood Burning Stove

Yearly saving: £192

Buying and installing a wood burning stove can cost as much as £3,500, or as little as £750, depending on the type. However, the investment is well worth it. Go for a new, eco-friendly burner and you’ll be reducing particle emissions by 90% compared to an open fire and 80% compared to an old stove type. The cost of materials to burn is far less than gas, and if you insulate your house well, the savings will go even further. The bigger and better the system, the more you’ll be able to use if for, including heating the water in your boiler, cooking, underfloor heating and secondary heating to other rooms.


Broadband -> Free WiFi

Yearly saving: £202.80

We’re so used to being “connected” every second of the day, but it’s really not necessary. Unless you need to be online for work or your gaming or TV and movie streaming is an essential part of your life, then the internet doesn’t need to be something you pay for. Many coffee shops and public places now offer free WiFi, so the ability to get online has never been easier. If you need access to a computer, there are also lots of internet cafes or libraries that allow you to log on for free.


Water -> Water Saving Techniques

Yearly saving: £286

Cutting off your shower just 1 minute earlier could save you up to £120 a year for an average four-person household. Simple and easy steps like reusing bath and dishwater for the garden, fixing dripping taps and using a water-saving showerhead can save even more. A water saving kit, usually consisting of 5 methods is available for free from most water authorities. You just have to ring up and ask for it. These regularly save households an average of £110 per year and 37,000 litres of water.



Off-grid Living is Good for the Mind

Living off-grid can also have benefits for your mental health. A daily routine that is hectic and stressful with countless demands on your time and energy can increase the sense of anxiety.


At any one time, it’s estimated that more than 300 million people have depression, according to the World Health Organisation - that’s about 4% of the world’s population. Although depression results from a complex interaction of social, psychological and biological factors, research from Mind has shown that “ecotherapy” offers benefits to mental health and wellbeing.


Also known as green therapy, this includes things like gardening, growing your own food and environmental conservation work. These are all elements of an off-grid lifestyle that can be fused into your own style of living.


Escape the Rat Race for Greater Wellbeing

Getting away from the rat race doesn’t have to involve moving far away.


Introducing elements of an off the grid lifestyle will mean getting away from the constant use of technology and spending more time on yourself. Enjoying hobbies will help you appreciate experiences rather than things and growing your own veg will increase your awareness of consumption.


Mind explains that money and mental health are often connected so getting away from overspending and the constant buzz of consumerism can be good for your wellbeing as well as your wallet.



The UK’s Clean Growth Strategy

As part of the UK’s Clean Growth Strategy, the UK Government has promised to cut greenhouse gas levels by 80% by 2050. Within this initiative, using gas for heating and cooking will be phased out over the next 30 years and replaced by low-carbon alternatives.


One highly popular, low carbon alternative, is a heat pump. They can save you over 50% on heating costs compared to conventional methods and have a long list of other benefits, including:

  • Lower energy bills
  • No risk of carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Twice the lifespan of a traditional boiler
  • Automatically adjust to maintain desired room temperatures
  • Reduced carbon footprint


Reduced CO2 Emissions from Heat Pumps

To generate 1000kWh of heat, the following boilers will create this much carbon dioxide.



While living off-grid can look daunting, there are a lot of benefits that can be incorporated into the modern day world. Despite technology often being seen as the enemy of this style of living, it’s actually making it a lot easier, with many gadgets and initiatives helping people to recycle, save waste and live a more economical and sustainable life. With so many benefits and multiple ways to get started, maybe it’s time to give the off-grid lifestyle a try.

Created by Insulation Express



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Online stores to visit:

Homedepot - shop online for all your home improvement needs: appliances, bathroom decorating ideas, kitchen remodeling, patio furniture, power tools, bbq grills, carpeting, etc.


NOVICA home décor - enjoy exploring unique home decor handcrafted by artisans around the world.


Wayfair - your one-stop-shop for everything home.




TAGS:off-grid lifestyle, green living

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