Justin Curtis
13.07.2018 2255 0.0 0

Hello, My name is Justin Curtis, and I am the creator of Mr. Garbage Disposal. While I am not a professional plumber, I am quite the handyman. I work as an accountant, but outside of work, I like to work with my hands and live frugally.

2 years ago, the garbage disposal in my house broke because of a faulty part. After buying the new part and looking at installation fees, I realized that it was way outside of my budget. To solve my problem, I took it upon myself to learn everything I could about garbage disposals. I learned the best affordable parts, where to get them, and how to install them. Through this experience, I discovered my passion for working with my hands.

Considering most people don’t know much about garbage disposals, I want to share my experience and knowledge with you, which is why I created Mr. Garbage Disposal.

My goal for Mr. Garbage Disposal is for it to be the go-to place for people to learn about garbage disposals and how to fix them, while not breaking the bank along the way.



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