We offer free shipping worldwide.
Please allow up to 5 weeks for delivery and up to 6 weeks for orders outside the USA. We aim to ship out all orders within 48 hours after the purchase has been confirmed but please allow up to 5 days. You will receive a tracking number as soon as your order got processed for shipping.
IMPORTANT: We ship items from different warehouses so you might receive multi-item orders in different packages and on different days. If you ordered multiple items and don't receive everything at once, please be patient. We do this to ensure that items get shipped to you as soon as possible.
You are responsible for all import taxes and duties that may be charged when the item passes through customs. Many countries do not charge import duties on private items below a certain stated value. However, you may find that you have to pay taxes when goods you’ve ordered from us arrive in your country.
We advise you to find out about the local regulations prior to ordering from us. Our shop cannot give you advice or information about tax rates and customs charges in your country.
How can you find out about my local import tariffs?
Every country has its own import regulations and restrictions. You can contact or refer to the official website of your local post office or customs agency to estimate the amount of import duties you may have to pay.
If you require any assistance for placing an order on our website, please contact us via shop@magazine-mn.com
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