Big Eco-Friendly Changes For Your House
24.01.2021 GREEN LIVING 0.0 0

green home

As climate change is not climate change but a climate crisis, we need to do everything that we can to help prevent it. One of the best things that you as a homeowner can do to help prevent more damage is to do big eco-friendly changes to your house. Creating a house that is eco-friendly will not only benefit the environment but also make a healthier space to live in. 

Invest in Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

Even though energy-efficient bulbs have attested for quite some time, people simply don't think about how much of an impact they have. Back in the day, people avoided using them because it took a long time for the bulbs to light up the room, but that has drastically changed. Now, they not only use a lot less energy but they also last much longer than older ones did. Therefore, you are saving both money and energy while saving the environment. 

Upgrade Your Home’s Insulation

Attaching anything that has to do with renewable energy to your home has no point if your home doesn't have good insulation. That is because the insulation is an essential way of creating an eco-friendly home. Insulating your home is not a big and expensive process but it will save you money in the end as well as make your home better. 

Invest in Solar Panel Systems

Solar panels are used to generate analytics as well as produce hot water. Solar photovoltaic systems work by converting sunlight into functional electricity. But what a lot of people don't realise is that you don't need to have direct sunlight in order for it to work. You can also generate power on a cloudy day. That is why solar panels are usually put on the roof. Unless you live in Northern Ireland or somewhere where there is no sun, you will be able to heat your water and produce energy for yourself. Even though it is a big amount of money to hand out at once and you need the equipment that is needed in order to put it up like a forklift rental it will still be worth it in the end. That is because you will provide everything for yourself and it will raise your home values drastically.

Save Water with a Low-flow Showerhead

We already know that showering saves more energy and useless way less water than having a bath. But there is more that you can do to actually start saving water. That is why you should install a low-flow showerhead and really make a difference. 

Install Wooden Window Frames

While double glazing is beneficial for saving energy, the materials that are associated with windows like that are very pouting as the compounds of which they are made can be toxic and unreadable. It is so much more eco-friendly to choose to install wooden frames. If they are made properly, they can be just as durable and good quality as UPVC ones. 

Improve Your Thermostats and Heating Controls

What people don't realise is that over 60 per cent of the energy that is consumed in an average household is used for heating. When you use smart HVAC control that 60 is reduced to 35 per cent. 

Install a Smart Meter

We all know that heat is one of the biggest energy users in our homes. That is especially the case during winter months as heating is on for longer and it is just wasting energy as well as money. The best way to save both energy and money is to install a smart meter. Smart meters can be programmed to turn on only at certain times of the day. So, if you are leaving your home you can shut the heat off and then when you are close to your home you turn it back on to heat it up. Smart meters are the best way to reduce the carbon footprint and decrease the amount of energy you are using. 

Insulate Your Heating Ducts

What a lot of people don't know is that 30 percent of air moving through the duct system is lost to leaks. Therefore, when you insulate them you will not only save money on your heating bills because you won't be losing hot air, you will also be conserving a lot of energy. 

Energy Star Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans that are energy star rated are 60 per cent more efficient than normal ones, which means that they use way less energy to operate. Instead of choosing them by how pretty they are, opt for ones that are Energy Star-rated and be more eco-conscious. 

At the end of the day, it is important that you realise that you are not only saving the environment by making these changes, but you are also making your home more valuable if you sell it someday and you are saving serious money. 

Written by Ron Wolf


About the Author

Ronald Wolf is a freelance writer and hobby designer with a passion for DIY projects.


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TAGS:green living, eco-friendly living, sustainability

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