Discover If You Have an Addictive Personality
04.05.2020 WELLNESS 0.0 0

addictive personality


84% of people worldwide say they can't go a day without their cell phone in their hand. It's true that these days it seems that most people have an addictive relationship with their mobile devices. While it's important to stay connected, sometimes our habits become compulsive and interfere with our well-being, sometimes even being classified as an addiction. 

Addiction extends into all types of behaviors, and especially when you are facing difficult times, it can be challenging to stay in control. It is often best to find natural ways to calm your nerves or emotions, but sometimes we use habits to cope. 

Explore the various factors that contribute to a predisposition for addiction, and discover if your past and personality might make you more likely to become addicted to certain behaviors. Through better self-understanding, you can remain fully in control of your life. 

Consider Your Past 

Addiction is usually related to a number of biological and environmental factors. If your family members struggle or have struggled with addiction, you may exhibit a greater risk. If you grew up around addictive behaviors, be it substance abuse or gambling, you may also be more likely to repeat these patterns in your own life. 

The same is true if you grew up in a chaotic household or one that lacked parental supervision, as these have been shown to increase risk factors. By reflecting on your past, you can have better control over your future. 

Reflect On Your Personality Traits 

Study your own behaviors and impulses to determine if you're at risk for addiction. While scientists agree there is no one with “addictive personality,” there are certain traits that may put you at a higher risk for developing addiction. These include an inability to self-regulate, adventurous and risk-taking tendencies, and difficulty making social connections, as well as prior mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. 

Consider taking the time to reflect on the various aspects of your personality. Within the Myers-Briggs personality profiles, for example, INFJs are natural problem solvers who like to fix other people's problems, whereas INTJs put more weight on their own emotional needs and tend to be introverted. 

A more introverted personality may lead to a higher risk of addiction if it causes you to have fewer social connections. Different personality traits can influence individual choices and actions in your life, so understanding these differences can allow you to remain in charge of your life. Self-knowledge will allow you to make smart choices and be empowered to understand your tendencies.

Read the Signs of Addiction

If you find yourself relying on a certain behavior more than you would like, you may be struggling with addiction. Consider your behaviors, such as feeling out of control, avoiding social events, losing interest in your normal hobbies or activities, and continuing to do the behavior even when you sense the negative effects. 

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may want to seek the help of friends and family. If you're struggling with substance abuse, call the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment’s National Treatment Referral Hotline on 800-662-HELP, or seek a local addiction center. 

Many factors may contribute to a higher risk of addictive behavior, but when armed with self-knowledge and understanding, you can stay in control of your life. Reflect on the past and take stock of your life and behaviors, and you will be able to ensure a healthy lifestyle and a confident future. 

Written by Sally Collins


About the Author

Sally Collins is a professional freelance writer with many years of experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.


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TAGS:Health, wellness, well-being, addiction

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