Green Offices of the Future
06.08.2019 GREEN LIVING 0.0 0

green office

Photo by ROOM on Unsplash


With more and more people realizing that our planet is getting close to an ecological disaster, we hope that things will get better. But, getting involved in this issue actually means actively trying to find a solution and doing something good for the environment. Nonetheless, no matter how hard we try, it seems that big companies can still do more than any individual. One of the ways to make a difference is encouraging your employees to make their own offices greener than before. This may not sound like the easiest thing in the world, but it can actually make a huge difference. So, if you too want to make your office greener and more modern than ever, here are a few ideas.


Reduce printing and paper consumption

This is one of the most important things in the world and one of the oldest tricks in the book. Minimizing our printing doesn’t sound like an idea that will make a difference, but it actually might. If we all do our best and make an effort, we can reduce paper waste and make our offices greener. There are lots of ideas you could look into - from insisting on double-sided printing to limiting access to company printers. You should also explore paper recycling ideas and switch to recycled paper instead of using new one. Finally, just ask your employees to print only documents that are absolutely necessary and use cloud-services and e-mails more often.


Add some greenery

You don’t have to be the biggest fan of plants in the world to understand why these are important. They will take your office’s visual appeal to the next level and make it look better than ever. But, more importantly, they’ll make your workspace healthier and greener. Reducing toxic particles in the air around you and replacing them with clean air is something only plants can do. So, don’t be afraid to add a few of these into your office space, and you’ll start noticing changes immediately.


green office

Photo by ROOM on Unsplash


Keep it simple and organized

Cluttered office space isn’t eco-friendly, and if you want your office to be green, you need to keep it simple. Instead of having too much furniture scattered everywhere around you, you should think in another direction and become a minimalist. Stick to just the most necessary pieces: a big storage space, a comfortable office chair, and one of those adjustable office desks that are spacious and professional. No matter what you do and how much work you have, these three things are quite enough. Keep in mind that downsizing will make things easier for you and make your office greener than before.


Make it airy and sunny

This seems too simple to work, but lots of natural sunshine and fresh air will do wonders for your office. Instead of spending your days in a tiny unventilated space, you could be surrounded by freshness and nature. So, open your windows in the morning and keep them open all day long. This will make your workspace airier than before and, consequently, greener than it’s ever been. Finally, you won’t need any air fresheners and artificial products, which will take your eco-friendliness to a whole new level.


green office

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash


Use second-hand resources

In the end, this is another simple but effective trick that could mean more than you can imagine. Instead of wasting money and energy on new resources when equipping, furnishing, and decorating your office, consider using second-hand resourced - from old furniture that you can refurbish to massive old shelves and bookcases that could be perfect for your storage needs. Buying used furniture has a number of benefits, including its sustainability factor. Using this furniture will minimize the need for new furniture and overall waste, which is great for the environment.


Creating and designing green office spaces is never easy, but it’s not impossible. If you put your mind to it and know what you’re trying to achieve, you’ll surely find great ideas. What’s even better is that your business partners, associates, and potential investors will notice how eco-friendly you’ve become. This could mean quite a lot for your business and could give it a new boost. Keep an open mind, search for new ideas, and you’ll be able to add a new dimension of sustainability to your workspace.

Guest post by Emma B. Joyce



About the Author

Emma B. Joyce is blogger based in Australia. She is a true home decor and DIY fanatic. Emma is interested in music and also is a big reading enthusiast. Finding new designs and patterns is her daily task. She got hooked on home accessories and decorations during her traveling and now cannot stop searching for new inspiration.



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TAGS:green office, green living, sustainability

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