This Soil Moisture Sensor Will Notify You When To Water Your Plants
28.02.2016 FOOD & GARDENING 0.0 0

Whether you are a beginner gardener or want to make your plants grow faster and keep them healthy, you might wonder how often you should water your plants. Of course, one of the ways to find out is to regularly check the soil. However, not all people find it convenient. And since different plants have different watering needs, there is a risk to overwater them.


An Illinois-based company Oso Technologies has developed PlantLink, a wireless soil moisture monitoring tool that notifies you when to water your plants.


PlantLink is able to monitor multiple plants simultaneously and measure soil moisture levels up to 1oo yards away, allowing you to take control over watering both indoor and outdoor plants. PlantLink lets create perfect watering conditions for your plant, since the device generates personalized watering schedules and recommendations based on the needs of each specific plant ( you’ll have to select your plant from PlantLink’s database that consists of over 50,000 plants) and type of soil in which it’s growing.



PlantLink measures soil moisture level on a regular basis and sends notifications when it’s time to water your plants, preventing you from overwatering plants and even allowing you to reduce water expenditure.



PlantLink lets you choose the type of notifications – email, push, text – and time of the day when you prefer to receive them. With PlantLink app, you are able to monitor your plant’s soil moisture level remotely and get access to dashboard to keep track of watering schedule that is updated according to your plants needs.


In 2015, PlantLink announced about its integration with GreenIQ, a smart wireless irrigation controller that has recently expanded its connected garden ecosystem giving amateur and professional gardeners access to even greater number of features they can benefit from and allowing them to dramatically reduce water consumption and bills.


 Order PlantLink here. Visit PlantLink website here.


by Natalie Myhalnytska


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TAGS:houseplants, water plants, PlantLink, soil humidity monitoring tool

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