Sustainable Packaging: Why It Matters For Your Business

sustainable packaging


The production and disposing of the materials involved in creating packaging requires thorough planning by taking into consideration both the economic and environmental impacts in the process. Most consumers interact with some form of packaging on a daily basis, and with the rise of global temperature issues, the need for environmentally friendly packaging has become essential for every business. 

Sustainable packaging requires fewer materials and uses an eco-friendly method of disposal and production. However, helping the environment is only one of the benefits as it can also reduce waste and costs to your company. We're here to tell you why sustainable packaging matters for your business and the key reasons you should make the change today.

Carbon Footprint

A carbon footprint is the level of greenhouse gas emissions that are released into the environment by businesses or individuals. There are many ways a company can reduce their carbon footprint, and sustainable packing is one of the best ways to do this. The lifecycle of packaging products with less sustainable materials has many phases that release carbon into the atmosphere, such as the extraction of raw materials, production, transportation, and consumer usage. This is why many organisations are moving to materials that have less of an impact or, in some cases, no impact on our planet. 

Environmentally friendly packaging employs different methods in each step of the production, transportation, and usage process, overall reducing the carbon emissions and, in turn, the company's carbon footprint. By using highly recyclable materials, businesses and customers can diminish the consumption of heavy-energy resources. When looking for sustainable packing solutions for your productsKlöckner Pentaplast are a great choice as they have a wide range of options for business.  

Brand Message

In today's modern world, people are much more environmentally conscious and often seek out ways to make a positive impact without implementing significant changes in their current lifestyle. When you change from traditional packaging to a sustainable alternative, you give your customers the chance to make this positive impact on the environment effortlessly. Combining your brand message with environmentally friendly practices and solutions will encourage more customers to engage with your company. The transparency about your business mission to become more sustainable will help improve public perceptions of your company as well as attract new consumers. 


Traditional packaging is often produced from chemical-laden and synthetic materials, which can be harmful for both manufacturers and consumers. For those working in the manufacturing process, there is a risk of chemical burns or airborne irritants entering the eyes and lungs during production. Many consumers avoid certain packaging due to the materials containing allergens and are concerned about the potential impact it can have on their health and well-being. As well as being non-toxic, most bio-degradable packaging is made from allergy-free materials, offering your customers the option to live a healthy lifestyle with less of an impact on the environment.

As the demand for eco-friendly options rises, it is a fantastic opportunity for your company to not only give back to the planet but also maximise your profits. Modern-day consumers only want to do business with organisations that care about the atmosphere; the shift to sustainable packaging is the first step to going green and drawing in new business with your brand's attitude towards the environment.


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TAGS:sustainable packaging, Environment, sustainable business

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