The 7 Best Energy Efficiency Apps for Your Home [Infographic]
21.05.2018 GREEN LIVING 1.0 0

“The greenest watt is the one that doesn’t have to be produced.”


Improving the energy efficiency of your home is one of the most effective ways to help reduce your footprint on the planet. By making some modest investments and minor changes around your home, you can both save money and the planet at the same time.


While increasing your home’s energy efficiency often costs money up-front, in many cases your investment will be quickly paid back in the form of reduced energy costs. Consequently, efficiency improvements offer an attractive starting point for those wishing to reduce their carbon footprint.


In reality, many homeowners can find it difficult to know where to start when undertaking such a project and this is where technology comes in. There are literally hundreds of apps out there designed to guide homeowners through the process of “greening” their property. Ranging from the practical to the playful, these mobile apps have their own unique ways of helping users become a more environmentally-friendly citizen of the world.


If you are interested in improving your energy efficiency and would like to use tech to guide your efforts, why not check out this highly informative infographic created by Calgary Window & Door Guys, which clearly lays out the best energy efficiency apps for your home. This nifty graphic contains a comprehensive guide to seven great and free apps, with reference to features, benefits and user reviews.


For example, the JouleBug app allows users to save the earth and have fun at the same time by gamifying eco-friendly activities. Another favourite of ours is the My HomeSelfe app which generates creates a personalised room-by-room report informing the user of what upgrades would result in the best savings on their energy bills.


Read the infographic below to discover more how you can use your smartphone to start saving energy today!



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TAGS:green living, sustainability, energy efficiency

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