Top 5 Ways to Boost Productivity in Your Home Office
12.08.2020 WELLNESS 0.0 0

productivity in your home office


Let’s face it – the last few months have been tough on those of us who work from home. The endless litany of Zoom meetings, never-ending email threads, and the overall stress of living through a pandemic can definitely crush your desired productivity. And when you factor in kids, roommates, or your partner working from home too, you’re setting yourself up for a frazzled and less than productive work day. 

With all this going on every day, we could use some guidance on the most effective ways to be, well, effective. Whether you’re working at the dining room table or in a dedicated home office, it’s easy to get distracted. Constant snacking, nagging roommates, or little kids are all things in life that take us away from getting our work. So, without delaying much longer, let’s dig into the top five tips and tricks for boosting productivity in your home office! 

Tip #1: Set a Schedule

Seems obvious, right? Whether it’s your latest Netflix obsession or taking care of the family, without a set schedule, it’s easy for work to fall to the wayside if you’re not holding yourself accountable to an agenda.

Setting a schedule gives your day some much-needed structure. Plus, having these clear guidelines will keep you motivated to get your work done in a set amount of time you can manage. Even if you need to adjust your schedule to accommodate your personal life, your work life will thank you for allocating hours dedicated to getting the job done. 

Tip #2: Over Communicate

In a world of email, Zoom calls, LinkedIn, and Facebook, it’s easy to think communication comes naturally. But for many of us, that’s not the case. In fact, 57% of employees report not having clear communication in the workplace. While 69% of managers are actually uncomfortable communicating with their employees. The statistics are staggering given all the platforms we have for communication. 

How can you combat this? Ask more questions! It’s a simple action that goes a long way and can help get you noticed by management. When you know exactly what your job entails (even when you have the freedom of working from home) you’ll be able to succeed and stay productive regardless of where you are.

Tip #3: Think About Aesthetics

Whether you’re an artist or business professional, it’s important to think about how you want your space to look. After all, you’ll be spending the most valuable part of your day in your home office. Think about lighting. Do you want soft or natural light? What kind of fixtures? Lighting plays a larger role than we think. In fact, lighting is a simple and chic way to boost your productivity. So, before you think that old garage-sale lamp will suffice, think about investing in lighting that suits your personality and the needs of your work space. 

Tip #4: Get into a Routine & Get Organized

Starting your day off on solid-footing always bodes well for productivity. Creating a routine is a great way to stay productive in your home office. Whether you like to workout in the morning or take it slow with a cup of coffee, scheduling your time will allow you to maintain productivity while at home. 

Getting organized is just as important as getting into a routine. In fact, studies have shown that an organized workspace leads to more productivity. Papers strewn about, dirty dishes, and office supplies everywhere can be distracting and cause stress. If you organize your workspace and take the time to clean it every day, you’ll be able to organize your productivity and stay relaxed while doing it. 

Tip #5: Be Understanding & Be Specific

Perhaps the most important tip we’re sharing, be understanding. It’s easy to hold yourself to standards you can’t live up to. Plus, everyone is different! What may work for your fellow co-worker, may drive you absolutely insane and distract you from getting any work done. 

Your home office should be a space as unique as you are. Take the time to think about how you want it to look, feel, and smell. Be specific with your needs and invest the time and energy to create a space you want to be productive in. 


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TAGS:wellness, well-being, productivity

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