5 Questions to Ask During Your Next Doctor Appointment
18.01.2021 WELLNESS 0.0 0

doctor appointment


Going to the doctor even for a routine checkup can produce some anxiety. Healthcare practitioners have to see a lot of patients each day, so they're often in a hurry. You may be tempted to stay quiet during your appointment so that you don't bother your physician. However, it's important to be your own health advocate and speak up to get the care you deserve. Most doctors want to provide you with information and reassurance regarding your health. It's okay to get more involved in your own care. Here are five questions to ask during your next appointment.

1. What Tests and Screenings Do I Need?

You should have ongoing discussions with your doctor about any health conditions that run in your family. This includes distant relatives, not just immediate ones. Be sure you've shared what you know of yourself and your family's medical history. Not all conditions are hereditary, but many are. Information about your history and predispositions will help to inform your physician about what types of testings or screenings you may need and when.

Some tests are routine and should be done for any one of a certain age or gender. For example, women's health specialists are trained to understand the unique needs and experiences related to the female gender. Be sure you have a doctor you feel comfortable with and who understands the types of characteristics and qualities you present so that they can stay on top of necessary tests and screenings.

2. Am I at A Healthy Weight?

Weight recommendations vary according to a number of factors, including height, body type, and activity level. Your doctor will know what is a healthy weight for you based on past visits, discussions, and examinations. They will likely take body mass index (BMI) into account when considering an appropriate weight range, but this measurement isn't as highly regarded as it once was. Genetics and particular medical conditions can have an impact on your weight as well, so discussion about such things is definitely in order.

3. Should I Consider Making Lifestyle Changes?

There are things you should know about yourself before seeing your doctor. You likely have an idea as to whether your current habits are generally healthy or if you could make some changes. Be honest with your healthcare provider and ask about ways you could improve your lifestyle in order to lower your risk for certain conditions like heart disease or high blood pressure. Making even small changes and following medical recommendations can have a positive impact on your health.

4. Should I Continue Taking My Medications?

Always talk to your doctor about your current medications and any supplements you may be taking. It's important that they are aware so that they can advise you regarding any contraindications or drugs that may interfere with each other. You also want to ask whether it's wise to continue your current medication regime. Your condition may have changed or new medications might be more effective. Let your physician know if you've noticed any change in effectiveness so that adjustments can be made.

5. What Does This Pain Mean?

Minor aches and pains are often to be expected, especially with age. If you've been bothered by persistent discomfort or significant pain, it's wise to mention it to your doctor. What may seem small could actually be a sign of a more serious medical issue. You don't want to take chances with your health. Be sure to bring up the issue with your doc. They will consider the complaint in relation to what they already know about you and your general health in order to best advise you. Even if your complaint doesn't indicate a serious issue, there's the chance that your physician can recommend something to help alleviate your discomfort. Any lingering pain is worth mentioning. There's no reason to bear what could be an unnecessary burden. Also, don't be tempted to hold back information. Your provider will need as much information as possible to make a proper judgment call. There's not much they haven't heard.

These tips should prepare you for your next doctor's visit. You are your own best advocate when it comes to your health. Maintaining communication with your healthcare provider is crucial to your well-being. 


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TAGS:Health, routine checkup, wellness, well-being

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