Common Dental Issues and How to Avoid Them
27.09.2023 WELLNESS 0.0 0

common dental issues


Dental health is important, but it's also a topic that many people don't think about. However, there are several common dental issues that can affect your overall health, including cavities and gum disease. While these may seem like minor problems, they can cause more serious complications if left untreated. In this blog post, we'll discuss what causes these common dental issues and how you can prevent them from happening in the first place!

Broken Tooth 

A broken tooth may look like it's only cracked but it could be more serious than you think. If the crack crosses through the middle of the tooth, it may break off when you bite down on something hard like an apple or peanut butter sandwich. If this happens, call your dentist right away.


Cavities, also known as tooth decay or dental caries, are one of the most common issues in the mouth. Cavities are caused by bacteria that feed on sugar and other carbohydrates found in food. This can lead to damage of your teeth's surface and inner layers.

Cavities can be prevented by brushing and flossing regularly, avoiding sugary snacks and drinks (e.g., soda), eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of vegetables and fruit, and getting regular dental visits!

Gum Disease

Gum disease is a serious issue that can lead to tooth loss and other problems if not treated in time. If left untreated for long enough, this inflammation can progress into periodontitis - an advanced stage where bone loss begins around your teeth.

If you're worried about developing periodontal disease or want to prevent it from happening in the first place, there are several things you can do:

  • Brush twice daily with an electric toothbrush or manual brush equipped with soft bristles. Brush up against gum line instead of just along top surface of teeth. 
  • Use floss every day after brushing. Rinse mouth out with water after flossing to remove any remaining food particles.

Tooth Decay and Tooth Loss

Tooth decay and tooth loss are both common dental issues. If left untreated, this can cause cavities to form and lead to tooth loss.

Tooth loss may be caused by decay or injury, but it's also possible to lose one or more teeth due to gum disease (periodontitis). Treatment options include tooth extraction and dental implants - a procedure where an artificial replacement is placed inside your jawbone so you can get back what nature took away!

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental issue. In this case, it is best to visit a trusted Terrigal beach dental. Do not ignore the symptoms, because they lead to bigger problems in the future.

It's caused by an exposed nerve in your tooth, which can be exposed due to various factors including:

  • Tooth decay or gum disease
  • Tooth grinding (bruxism)
  • Aesthetic restorations like bonding, porcelain veneers or crowns

Dry Mouth and Dental Decay

Dry mouth is a common condition that can cause tooth decay. It occurs when you don't drink enough water or other fluids, which results in less saliva. Saliva carries minerals and enzymes that help protect your teeth from bacteria that cause cavities. Without enough of these protective elements, your teeth are more likely to become damaged by acids produced by bacteria and sugars present in food and drink.

If you have dry mouth due to medication side effects or medical conditions like diabetes or Sjogren's syndrome (a condition that causes dry eyes), ask your dentist about fluoride treatments - they're available over-the-counter at most drug stores - and rinses made specifically for people with dry mouths.

You may also want to visit an oral health professional who specializes in treating patients with Sjogren's syndrome so they can help determine whether there are any additional steps you should take for optimal dental health.

Bad Breath and Halitosis

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is caused by bacteria that live in your mouth. These bacteria produce sulphur compounds that give off an odor when they digest food particles and other organic matter.

The best way to prevent bad breath is with good oral hygiene habits: brushing teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste; flossing daily (or using an interdental cleaner); visiting the dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups; avoiding tobacco products like cigarettes or chewing tobacco that can stain your teeth and gums yellow over time; drinking water throughout the day instead of sugary drinks like soda pop which contribute to tooth decay; avoiding foods such as onions or garlic as much as possible because they can cause irritation of gums around the area where they enter into contact with these foods during chewing processes.

As you can see, there are many common dental issues that people deal with every day. Some of these issues can be avoided by practicing better dental hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly. We hope this article helped you understand more about these common problems so that they don't happen to you!

Written by Frank Robertson


About the Author

My name is Frank Robertson. I’m a writer. I choose my topics carefully and try to write about topics that can help my readers. Connect with me on Twitter.


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TAGS:dental care, wellness, well-being

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