Happy and Healthy Life – The Importance of Active Aging
07.11.2018 WELLNESS 0.0 0

active aging


There are those who dread the silver years and all the things they bring, and there are those who welcome their older age with zeal and positivity, knowing that this will be yet another exciting chapter in the book of life. Getting old is inevitable, but for one it is not a sentence to endure, quite the contrary.


You hold the power in your hands to lead a proactive, vibrant lifestyle surrounded by friends, family, and in the company of your significant other – you only need to embrace the active lifestyle in order to preserve your physical and mental well-being.


With that in mind, here is why active aging is so important for the modern senior, and how you can lead a rewarding, energetic lifestyle in your silver years.


Remain sociable and outgoing

The first rule of active aging is to remain sociable, outgoing, and in constant touch with your friends and family. Every new chapter in the book of life changes a person in a different way, and seniors who are just stepping into this new era (and all throughout) have a tendency to distance themselves from others, to alienate acquaintances, and to lead a more secluded lifestyle.


Needless to say, this is not a very prudent solution to your long-term needs as an inherently sociable human being, nor is it a good way to preserve your physical and psychological health over the years. Instead, this is the time to strengthen your bond with your loved ones, increase your level of socialization, and even introduce a weekly gathering with your various friends. You can even join clubs that serve this exact purpose.



Don’t be afraid of professional assistance

There are two major mistakes seniors tend to make that can impair their quality of life and even affect their relationships with others: thinking that their children have a duty to take care of them, and believing that they don’t need any professional assistance. Firstly, whether or not your children will take care of you in your old age should be their choice, a choice they make based on their capabilities and resources.


Secondly, if your children cannot take on the challenge, you shouldn’t be afraid to seek out professional assistance. The internet is a great place to find experienced support workers, and platforms such as Mable aim to connect individuals in need with those who want to help seniors in their area lead an active, vibrant lifestyle. A support worker can help you significantly increase your quality of life, either by helping you with your daily chores, helping you find the motivation you need, or even helping you out with your fitness routine.



Have a senior-friendly fitness routine

Speaking of fitness, this is an essential part of a healthy, energetic lifestyle every health-conscious senior should incorporate into their weekly schedule. Simply put, regular exercise brings with it a myriad of health benefits that will translate directly into your daily life, helping you retain your youth and zeal as much as possible.


Among its numerous physical and mental benefits, regular exercise will help you preserve precious muscle mass, retain mineral bone density, fight osteoporosis and other skeletal conditions, and of course, prevent the onset of brain-degenerative illnesses such as dementia. Before you get into it, though, be sure that your fitness routine is tailored to your physical capabilities and that it matches your interests.



Nail your nutritional needs

It should go without saying that nutrition is one of the most vital components of a healthy lifestyle regardless of age. However, the need to stick to a wholesome diet plan that will supply your body with all the essential nutrients on a daily basis becomes more important as you age.


Simply put, your body will not tolerate unhealthy substitutes such as sweets and processed foods as easily as it used to, and if you don’t tidy up your nutrition, you can expect your quality of life to decrease significantly. Eat well, and you will have no problem leading a life filled with strength and day-long zeal.



Volunteer, work or get a hobby

To tell the truth, you have every right not to work another day in your life, you’ve earned that privilege. However, many seniors find the motivation to pursue a happy, healthy lifestyle through their work or hobbies.


This can be a part-time job you always wanted to do, or you can volunteer to help those in need. If that doesn’t suit you, then you can always pursue a hobby you never got around to – it can mean the difference between feeling like you have a purpose and having to drag yourself out of bed in the morning.


The silver years are a wonderful period, and they should be welcomed and embraced with open arms and a sound battle plan. Follow these steps and a life filled with health, happiness, and vibrancy will be just around the corner.

Guest post by Stella Van Lane



About the Author

Stella van Lane is a passionate writer in love with coffee, chocolate, music, books and good vibes. Her top interests are health, yoga, meditation and interior design. Follow Stella on Twitter.



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