Lifestyle Changes To Empower Yourself
28.04.2021 WELLNESS 0.0 0

empower yourself


The pandemic has left people with little to no sense of control over what’s been happening around them. For more than a year now, boundaries between work and personal life have been blurred, personal interactions have been limited to online meetings and video calls, errands are done from home, leaving people with drastically changed ways of living.

Some may have found this shift in lifestyle manageable, while others may still be figuring things out. For those of you who are still wading through the mud, trying to get by, you may feel stuck wondering how you could get your old pre-pandemic groove back, or at least be in a better state than at present. Knowing and being aware that things need to change around you is the first step in getting your groove back and taking back the reins of your life.

While the world is in recovery and everyone is working on adapting to a new normal, here are a few things you can do to take back control of your life and empower yourself. 

Build healthy habits

From exercising to plant-based eating, having a healthier routine not only improves physical health but also improves mental and emotional well-being as well. Exercises or regular physical activities increase your body’s production of “happy hormones” that include dopamine, also called the “feel good” hormone, and serotonin, which is in charge of stabilizing mood, sleep patterns, and even promotes good digestion. Physical activity could come in the form of high-intensity interval training, following home workout videos, yoga, or even doing chores around the house.

A plant-based diet is not entirely vegetarian or vegan but is composed of choosing more food from plant sources than animal products. This diet isn’t just composed of fruits and vegetables, but also includes nuts, seeds, oils, whole grains, legumes, and beans. Eating plant-based food helps in preventing diseases, managing blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, and helps in reducing your environmental footprint. Aside from making sure that your body gets the nutrition it needs, a well-rounded plant-based eating habit can also improve your mood and state of mind. 

Practice self-care

The Oxford Dictionary defines self-care as the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular, during periods of stress.

Practicing self-care at a time when the line between work and home life is almost nonexistent could be tricky, but knowing that while others’ needs are important, yours are too. Some simple ways of practicing self-care include getting enough sleep, utilizing days off from work, clocking out from work on time, and lessening screen time from gadgets. Work habits like taking intermittent breaks and avoiding overtime work could help ensure that you stay motivated and productive for the whole workweek.

Other self-care activities could include hygiene habits for skin and hair care, meditation and deep breathing exercises, journaling, and even healthy eating. Simple practices like these not only help maintain one’s physical and mental well-being but can also help you stay grounded and more relaxed. 

Treat yourself

While the pandemic has robbed most people of the opportunity to enjoy vacations, go on shopping sprees, and even meet up with families and friends, there are other ways you can treat yourself from the comforts of your home.

Instead of a night out with friends, you can set up an online video call and stream a movie together, organize a quiz night, or learn a new hobby together. 

Date nights can be set up with delivery options that allow you to prepare a meal yourself or have a meal ready to eat, delivered at your doorstep. Throw in your favorite cocktail or a glass of dry wine, and you’re all set. Generally less sweet, dry wines are fermented longer, leaving them with no residual sugar and slightly higher alcohol content.

Artists have also been setting up free online music festivals and concerts instead of playing at in-person shows, so grooving to the music of your favorite group or singer can be done from home too.

Treating oneself need not be expensive and grand but can also be expressed in small measures like allowing yourself an extra sweet treat during the day, playing video games, bingeing on a tv series, or staying in bed the whole day. Rewarding yourself not only leaves you feeling good, but is also good for your mental equilibrium.

It is said that the best way to make changes in life is to start small and to practice these changes constantly. Habits are formed in 21 days until a new action feels natural to a person, and while one can’t directly change what’s happening around you, these practices can help you feel not only empowered, but in control of your life as well.

Written by Katreena Sarmiento


About the Author

Katreena SarmientoKat is a Molecular Biology Scientist turned Growth Marketing Scientist. She's the current Operations Director at Galactic Fed. During her free time, she loves to write articles that will bring delight, empower women, and spark the business mind. She loves to bake but unfortunately, baking doesn't love her back. She has many things in her arsenal but writing is one of her passion projects. Connect with her on Instagram and LinkedIn.


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TAGS:Health, lifehack, well-being

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