Norwegian Startup Created Solution That Turns Desert Soil into Fertile Soil
21.03.2016 FOOD & GARDENING 2.0 0

According to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit on 25 September 2015, “natural resource depletion and adverse impacts of environmental degradation, including desertification, drought, land degradation, fresh water scarcity and loss of biodiversity, add to and exacerbate the list of challenges which humanity faces.”



Desert Control, a startup from Norway, created innovative product Liquid NanoClay that has a huge potential to help people fight such issues as drought and desertification.


Liquid NanoClay is a product that turns desert areas into fertile land. Liquid NanoClay is being produced by combining clay and water in a patented mixing process. The mix is applied directly into the irrigation system and is spread with the help of sprinklers. In 7 hours mix fully sinks into the soil, creating a 40-60 cm deep layer which retains water and prevents it from evaporating.


According to Desert Control, application of Liquid NanoClay “ensures optimal growing conditions for anything you plant.” What’s more, this process doesn’t involve any use of chemicals. Since the land treated with NanoClay holds water and nutrients, customers will be able to not only reduce water consumption but also increase the yield. However, customers have to repeat the application of Liquid NanoClay every 5 years.


To learn more about Desert Control, click here.

by Natalie Myhalnytska


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TAGS:sustainability, Drought, Desert Control, desertification, Norwegian Startup

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