The UK Energy Market: Winners, Losers & Future Solutions to Cut Prices


Energy Prices in the UK vary widely depending on where you find yourself living. This is due to a number of factors ranging from the supplier you have chosen to the demand for power in your area.


While currently, the Big Six energy companies (e.g. Npower, EDF, British Gas) control the majority of the market, there is a notable shift towards smaller to medium suppliers who offer more reasonable tariffs to their customers.


The rise of comparison sites has certainly had an impact. However, consumers themselves are becoming savvier to the questionable charges added to their bill amount. The energy postcode lottery may dictate who pays more, but there are always options to tip the scales in your favour.


This infographic explores the current UK energy market and investigates the methods being developed to bring energy costs down, and eco-friendly power sources into wider use.


Created by Roof Stores



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TAGS:energy market, sustainability, UK, green living, energy efficiency, Energy

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